Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Saana Murray

I was very sad to hear of the passing of Saana Murray at the weekend. Saana was the only one of the original Wai 262 claimants that was still alive when the report was released in July and, before any further discussion of the report, it is important to acknowledge her.  Without the foresight shown by her and her fellow claimants all those years ago and the determination they demonstrated in pursuing the issues addressed in the Wai 262 inquiry we might not yet have come to directly consider, in such a comprehensive way, the Crown’s failure to recognise and respect mātauranga Māori across the whole of government. Her role in the Wai 262 inquiry was, of course, just one example of her passion and her commitment to Māori rights and the wellbeing of her people.  She was laid to rest today at Kapowairua.